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Driving License
Procedure to Avail Driving License For A Heavy Goods Motor Vehicle
Procedure to Avail Driving License For A Heavy Goods Motor Vehicle
Modified Date: 6 Jun, 2022, 1:29 PM IST
Driving any kind of vehicle requires skills and knowledge about it. To acquire these skills and knowledge one needs to learn them from authorized training schools.
Procuring a Commercial Driving License in India
Procuring a Commercial Driving License in India
Modified Date: 6 Jun, 2022, 1:28 PM IST
Driving a Commercial Vehicle is a lucrative business, which requires having a commercial Driving License (DL). A businessman handling a transport or a freight business may face issues different than a person owning a private vehicle. In this article, we will discuss the process and documents required for acquiring a commercial DL in India.
Ways to Apply for Driving License Renewal
Ways to Apply for Driving License Renewal
Modified Date: 6 Jun, 2022, 1:22 PM IST
The validity of a driving license is 20 years. This becomes the reason why most of us do not check the expiry date on the license. For some, this realization dawns at a very bad time i.e. when asked to produce the document by the traffic police. To avoid being in a soup by producing an expired driving license, it is necessary to know the date of expiry in order to schedule the driving license renewal in a timely manner.
What Will Happen To Your Driving License When Self-Driving Cars Takeover?
What Will Happen To Your Driving License When Self-Driving Cars Takeover?
Modified Date: 6 Jun, 2022, 1:21 PM IST
From inventing the wheel to launching a car in space, we have come a long way. Cars have changed the way we live and they are going to continue to impact our lives going ahead as well. Small cars, big cars, long cars, tall cars, electric cars… the list goes on and on. However, the driving factor behind most cars, fuel, is not going to last forever. Hence, the alternative, electric cars. This is the future, it is almost certain. However, the timing isn’t.
Why Is Getting a Driving License Tough These Days?
Why Is Getting a Driving License Tough These Days?
Modified Date: 6 Jun, 2022, 1:20 PM IST
Earlier, the process of acquiring a driving license wasn’t strict, tests were not structured, people got a license without having any basic knowledge about the traffic signs and the traffic rules. This had an impact on the accident rate. To change this scenario, government streamlined the process and made it tougher.
Driving License Status
Driving License Status
Modified Date: 6 Jun, 2022, 1:15 PM IST
Whether you are applying for a driving license for the first time or you’ve applied for renewal, you might want to know the status of your driving license. Driving license status helps you understand when it will be issued to you, for how long is it valid, and when you might have to renew it.
Driving License in Mumbai, Maharashtra
Driving License in Mumbai, Maharashtra
Modified Date: 6 Jun, 2022, 1:07 PM IST
As one of the most significant documents one can possess, applying for a driving license is one of the most important processes that must be undertaken. A valid driving license allows its holder to operate motorized vehicles anywhere in the country, and it also serves as proof of age, address and identity. However, the process to obtain the driving license is known to be long and tedious, often confusing many. Mumbai, and most places in the state of Maharashtra, has taken a step in the right direction, simplifying the process significantly by digitalizing most forms, applications etc.
Driving License in Bengaluru, Karnataka
Driving License in Bengaluru, Karnataka
Modified Date: 6 Jun, 2022, 12:48 PM IST
Looking to obtain a driving license in Bengaluru, Karnataka? You can now easily do so. In Karnataka, to be able to drive your car and/ or two-wheeler vehicles, you must first obtain your ‘Learner’s License’ and then acquire a ‘Permanent Driving License’ within six months. You could even get your slot for obtaining your permanent driving license test merely one month after getting the learners license. There is a distinct process to renew your license, apply for a lost license and international license.
7 Point Checklist To Help You Get A Driving License Online
7 Point Checklist To Help You Get A Driving License Online
Modified Date: 6 Jun, 2022, 12:47 PM IST
Being a valid driver’s license holder is a must for driving a car in India. This is a requirement set under the Central Motor Rules, 1989.Here is a detailed checklist regarding the process you need to follow for getting a driving license:
DL Form
DL Form
Modified Date: 6 Jun, 2022, 12:46 PM IST
The driving license not only gives you the freedom to roam the different parts of India, but also holds an important part in your day-to-day life. Possession of the Driving License is mandatory for any person who wishes to drive a vehicle It is an official document that is issued by the government of India, allowing individuals to ride or drive their vehicles such as a bus, truck, car or a bike. The motor driving license can be of different types depending on the purpose for which it is issued and the kind of vehicle for which the license is issued. The regional transportation office or the RTO, is the designated government authority who looks after the whole system of licensing that includes verifying and inspecting the driver’s license form (DL form) and further issuing the drivers identification card.
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