It should not come as a surprise to EV owners, but there is more than one factor that can affect the driving range of your Audi e-tron. Some of the best-known of these factors include:
Headwinds: Most people do not realise this, but headwind significantly influences your Audi e-tron’s range. The logic here is simple: more resistance means more work for the motor to counter the resistance and maintain a certain level of speed.
Battery: This is the primary factor that affects your Audi e-tron’s driving range. This explains why the two variants of the Audi e-tron come with different battery packs and offer different ranges. To be more precise, the 9a5 kWh battery provides better range than the 71 kWh battery.
Your Driving Style: Any experienced driver should know that their driving style significantly affects their Audi Tron range. To get the best range from your electric SUV, you must avoid harsh braking and frequent high acceleration.
Tyre Pressure and Condition: Like conventional cars, your electric SUV’s range depends on your tyre pressure and condition. Your tyres must be properly inflated for equal weight distribution and have the proper grip for optimal performance.
Road Condition: This should go without saying that the type of road you drive on also affects your Audi e-tron’s range. The flatter and smoother the road, the better the range. Naturally, this range will decrease when you drive on hilly or rough terrains.
What affects the driving range of my Audi e-tron?
Is there a way to enhance the range of my Audi e-tron?
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Does driving in hilly regions affect my Audi e-tron’s range?
What type of battery does the Audi e-tron come with?