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NOC for Bike: No Objection Certificate for Two-Wheeler Online

Published on 21 Jun, 2021, 5:56 AM IST
Updated on 21 May, 2024, 11:48 AM IST
Team Ackodrive
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The Regional Transport Offices (RTOs) and banks in India issue the NOC or No Objection Certificate, which states that they do not have any objections to the information mentioned in the certificate. You can apply for the RTO NOC online through the government’s Parivahan web portal, while the Bank NOC can be obtained through the respective bank’s procedure. Applying for the NOC from the RTO is a simple and easy process. Read on to learn about how to apply for the No Objection Certificate for your bike online.


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No Objection Certificate (NOC) for Bike:

The No Objection Certificate for two-wheelers is a legal document, which states that the issuing agency or bank does not have any objection to the details on the certificate. In case of motor vehicles, the NOC is either issued by the bank for the repayment of the loan, which can be used to remove or cancel the hypothecation of the bike to the bank or issued by the RTO if you want your bike to be registered in a different RTO. In both cases, you need the NOC to further the process.

Key Features and Importance of Getting NOC for Two-Wheeler:

If you are changing your place of residence within or outside the State or if you decide to sell your bike, the NOC is a mandatory document that should be submitted to the RTO. The certificate states that you do not have any obligation to the RTO and have paid all necessary charges and fees or have repaid the bike loan availed from the bank. Below are the reasons why NOC for your bike is important:

  • To sell your bike and cancel the hypothecation to the bank in the RC.

  • To cancel or remove the hypothecation of your bike with the bank.

  • To adhere to the guidelines laid out in the Motor Vehicle Act as the NOC is mandatory to transfer the bike to another State or if you require a new registration mark.

How to apply for a NOC for Bike Online?

The procedure to apply for a NOC for your bike online differs between RTO NOC and BANK NOC. Below are the steps to apply for a NOC for your two-wheeler online in both cases:

Bank NOC for Bike:

  • Step 1: Visit the bank’s website.

  • Step 2: Log in to your account and download the bike bank NOC online.

Note, you will have to visit the bank’s branch in case you are unable to download the certificate online.

RTO NOC for Bike:

You can only submit the application form online to obtain the NOC. For the actual procedure, you need to visit the respective RTO to further process the application. Below are the steps to apply RTO NOC for two-wheeler online:

  • Step 1: Visit the government’s Vahan Citizen Services website.

  • Step 2: Select the respective State and RTO.

  • Step 3: Click on ‘Log on to Avail Services’.

  • Step 4: In the new page, click on ‘Application for No Objection Certificate’.

  • Step 5: Enter your bike’s registration number and the last five digits of the two-wheeler’s chassis number.

  • Step 6: Click on ‘Validate Registration Number/Chassis Number’.

  • Step 7: Your application form will be generated. Check if all details are correct.

  • Step 8: Enter the details of the bike insurance in the application form.

  • Step 9: Enter the new RTO’s State Code and click on save.

  • Step 10: Pay the application fees and ensure that you take a printout of the fee receipt.

  • Step 11: Visit the respective RTO along with NOC, the fee receipt and supporting documents to process your request.

Validity of NOC for Bike:

Below are the details of the validity of the NOC for two-wheelers issued by the bank and RTO:

Agency/Bank Validity
RTO Six Months
Bank 90 Days (Subject to the bank’s terms and conditions)

Documents Required to Get NOC for a Bike:

Below is the list of documents required while obtaining a NOC for your bike:

RTO Bank
Form 28 (Application) Copy of the Registration Certificate of the bike
Certified copy of the Registration Certificate and Insurance Policy Supporting documents as required by the bank
Proof of up-to-date paid road tax along with the receipt
Pollution Under Control Certificate (PUCC)
Pencil print of the engine and chassis number
Signature identification of the bike owner

NOC Cost for Bike:

The following is the cost to get the NOC for a two-wheeler from the RTO and bank:

Bank/Agency Fees
RTO Depends on the respective RTO
Bank Depends on the respective bank

Factors to Consider While Buying No Objection Certificate for Bike:

Before you apply for the NOC for your bike, ensure that you consider the factors below for a hassle-free procedure:

  • Attest the copy of the bike’s registration certificate and insurance policy.

  • Ensure that you have paid the road tax in full.

  • Ensure that you enter correct details, especially the details about the new RTO.

  • Submit all supporting documents.

  • Ensure that you have the receipt of the fee paid for the NOC application through the Vahan Citizen Services web portal.

Difference Between NOC and PUC Certificate:

The NOC is a legal document, which certifies that the issuing agency or bank does not have any objection to the details mentioned in the bike’s registration certificate. However, the PUC or Pollution Under Control certificate is also a legal document, which certifies the extent of pollution emitted from your bike. While the PUC certificate is mandatory to ride the bike on public roads, the NOC is mandatory in case you want to register the bike in a different RTO and while removing or cancelling the hypothecation of your bike to the bank.

Procedure to Cancel the NOC:

If you have changed your plans of transferring your bike’s registration to another RTO, you need to cancel the NOC. Follow the steps below to cancel the NOC for your bike from the RTO:

  • Step 1: Visit the new RTO to which the NOC was issued and obtain the Non-Utilisation Certificate (NUC).

  • Step 2: Submit the NUC at the RTO where your bike was originally registered to cancel the NOC.

Obtaining the No Objection Certificate for your bike from the bank is important since it is a legal document that certifies that you have paid the two-wheeler loan in full. Also, the NOC is essential if you have moved to a new State or within the State since the new RTO will require a NOC to register your bike within its jurisdiction.

The new RTO will not register your bike if you do not submit the NOC. Additionally, if you are selling your bike, and it was hypothecated to a bank due to a bike loan, you need to submit the bank NOC to register the bike in the new owner’s name. The RTO will not cancel the hypothecation without the bank NOC. Therefore, the NOC is an important legal document that you need to obtain for several purposes.

How to Download Bike NOC Online: Simple Steps To Follow!

It is feasible for any bike owner to download bike NOC online. The steps to download NOC for the bike are as follows.

  • Go to, the Parivahan website, and input the desired login information to access the desired account.

  • Go to the "Online Services" section and select "No Objection Certificate Application."

  • Provide the necessary information, such as your registration number, mobile number, etc., to get an OTP right away.

  • After entering the OTP and clicking "Submit," confirm the account.

  • Navigate to the "Issue of NOC" option and upload all required files.

  • Please make the requested payment.

  • After the payment process is successfully completed, download the NOC.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Below are frequently asked questions about the No Objection Certificate for a bike:

Do I need to obtain a NOC for my bike?


If you have availed a bike loan and if you have repaid the loan in full, then you need to obtain the NOC from the bank so that you can cancel or remove the hypothecation from the Registration Certification through the respective RTO. If you are selling your bike, the NOC is required to remove the hypothecation so that the bike can be registered under the new owner.

What is the procedure to apply for the NOC for my bike through the Parivahan website?


The Central government through the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has launched a citizen services web portal which lets you submit an application form for the NOC. Before approaching to further process the NOC, you can visit the Vahan Citizen Services and follow the above-mentioned steps for applying the NOC for your bike online.

What is the penalty if I am caught by the RTO for riding a bike with an invalid NOC?


There is no fixed penalty or fine for riding a bike without a valid NOC; however, the RTO has the authority to levy the local road tax. You can check with the local RTO about the penalty for riding with an invalid NOC.

Is the NOC required for my bike if I have changed my place of residence to a different State?


Yes, you need to obtain the NOC from the current RTO to register your bike with the new RTO since you will be riding the bike within the jurisdiction of the new RTO.

Can I get RTO NOC for my bike online?


To obtain the RTO NOC you need to visit the respective RTO to complete the procedure. However, you can submit the application form online through the Vahan Citizen Services web portal by paying the required fees.

Should I obtain a NOC to renew my Driving Licence (DL)?


To renew or change the address on your DL, you do not require a NOC. However, this option is only applicable to smartcard holders and not for paperback DL holders. Please note that this is subject to change.

Who should be the applicant for the NOC from the RTO?


The two-wheeler owner, who is moving his/her bike outside the jurisdiction of RTO within or outside the State should be the applicant to obtain the NOC from the RTO.

How to cancel the hypothecation of my bike in the Registration Certificate (RC)?


If you have taken a two-wheeler loan from a bank to buy your bike, the RC will bear the name of the bank and the vehicle will be hypothecated to the bank until you repay the loan. It also indicates that the bank is a partial owner of the bike. Once you repay the loan, the bank will issue the No Objection Certificate to you. Approach the respective RTO to get the hypothecation cancelled by following the required procedure.

Can I sell my bike without the bank NOC?


To transfer the ownership to the new owner, the RTO needs the bank NOC to further process the request in case your RC is hypothecated to the bank.

Should I submit the original RC of my bike to the RTO for the NOC?


Yes, you have to submit the original RC at the RTO to further process the request for the NOC from the respective RTO.

Does a short-term trip to another state necessitate a NOC?


No confirmation is needed if the trip to another state is shorter than three months. But if you plan to keep a car in another state for longer than three months, you'll need to get an NOC.

Where can I obtain a copy of a NOC?


Visit the Parivahan website or the RTO in order to get the application for the NOC. To get a bank NOC, visit your respective bank branch.

What is the cost of NOC for a bike?


The cost of obtaining a NOC for your bike is Rs. 100. However, it depends on the issuing authority:

  • RTO: The fees for a NOC from the RTO vary depending on the respective RTO.

  • Bank: The charges for a bank NOC are subject to the respective bank's terms and conditions.

How long is NOC valid for a bike?


The validity of a NOC for a bike differs based on the issuing agency:

  • RTO: A NOC issued by the RTO is valid for six months.

  • Bank: The validity of a bank NOC is typically 90 days, but this may vary according to the bank's terms and conditions.

Can I buy a bike without NOC?


Yes, you can purchase a bike without a NOC. The NOC is not required at the time of buying a bike. However, if the bike you purchase is hypothecated to a bank due to an outstanding loan, you must obtain an NOC from the bank to transfer the ownership and remove the hypothecation from the Registration Certificate (RC).

Can I transfer my bike without NOC?


No, you cannot transfer your bike's ownership to another person without a NOC. If your bike is hypothecated to a bank, you must submit the bank NOC to the RTO to remove the hypothecation and transfer the ownership. If you are moving to a different state or RTO jurisdiction, you must obtain an NOC from your current RTO to register the bike under the new RTO.

Is it possible to cancel the bike NOC application if required?


Cancelling the bike’s NOC application is possible under a few circumstances. However, it depends on the particular RTO, and you must apply for the cancellation before the application is processed. 

Is it possible to track the NOC application status?


Some RTOs offer online tracking facilities. You can use them to track your application by entering the VRN or application reference number. 

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