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Traffic Rules and Traffic Violations in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Published on 21 Jun, 2021, 5:25 AM IST
Updated on 5 Apr, 2024, 9:20 AM IST
Team Ackodrive
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In recent times, like any other place, traffic rules violations in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh are on the rise. The local administration and state government are making efforts to resolve the issue. To ensure that citizens follow traffic rules and regulations, the Uttar Pradesh government has devised penalties for traffic rule violations.


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The list of fines for the various traffic rule violations in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh is enumerated in the section below. Lucknow e-challan is issued in the name of all traffic rules violators in the city.

Disobeying lawful direction (disrespect / disobedience to a person in authority as deemed by law)150
Causing or permitting any person to drive a vehicle:
(a) without a driving license300
(b) without a transport vehicle authorization150
(c) When underage300
(d) in breach of condition of learner's license150
Driving a Vehicle:
(a) without a driving license300
(b) without a transport vehicle authorization150
(c) When underage300
(d) in breach of condition of learner's license150
Driving at excessive speed300
Causing driver to drive at excessive speed200
Driving at a speed dangerous to the public350
Driving in a manner dangerous to the public500
Driving when mentally or physically unfit to drive150
Permitting or taking part in a race trial of speed without written consent of the State Government300
Driving a vehicle with emission of smoky exhaust100
Driving a two-wheeler or three-wheeler which uses kerosene or diesel or any other chemical not meant to be used as fuel in the vehicle200
Violations of the standards related to noise control100
Violations of the standards related to air-pollution400
Violations of the standards related to road safety500
Driving a motor cycle that is not registered100
Driving a three-wheeler vehicle that is not registered150
Driving any other light motor vehicle that is not registered250
Driving any other motor vehicle when not properly registered500
Riding two-wheelers without valid insurance100
Driving three-wheelers without valid insurance200
Driving any other light motor vehicles without valid insurance300

Display plates for learners

A learning driver must carry display plates. Otherwise, fine for a first-time offender is Rs. 300, and thereafter Rs. 600.

Registration of two-wheeler

If your two-wheeler doesn’t have a proper registration certificate, then you could be fined with Rs. 2,000 for the first time and Rs. 5,000 from the second time.

Updated Road Tax

If the road tax charged by the authority is not paid then a penalty of Rs. 300 is imposed on a first-time offender. It is doubled for subsequent offences.

Transport vehicle must have fitness certificate

Breaking this clause attracts a fine of Rs. 3,000.

Change of address to be reported

Information about the change of address of the owner is to be reported without delay, otherwise a fine of Rs.300 is to be charged.

Ownership changed

Change of ownership of the vehicle should be informed immediately to avoid a vehicle fine of Rs.300 to Rs.600.

Other state registration

Fine of Rs. 300 and Rs. 600 is imposed if car registered in some other state is in operation in Lucknow for more than 12 months.

Pollution Control

If a car is polluting the air then fine of Rs. 1,000 and Rs. 2,000 could be imposed.


Overloading your vehicle by any means is treated as a serious offence and can attract fine of Rs. 1000 and Rs. 2000

Seating capacity in non-transport vehicle

Using a non-transport car with seating capacity is an offence according the law. So, this will also attract penalty of Rs. 300 and Rs. 600.

Taxi driver to go in short distance

Taxi drivers in Lucknow can’t refuse to travel a short distance. Otherwise it could cost them a fine of Rs. 300 to Rs. 600 under Section 177.

Taxi refusal

Refusing a passenger is an offence for a taxi driver and is punishable with fine of Rs. 50.

False meter in taxi

False or tampered meter in a taxi also attracts a fine of Rs. 300 to Rs. 600.

Passenger standing in front seat

By allowing a passenger to stand in the front portion of the vehicle, the car owner can receive a challan amounting to Rs. 300 to Rs. 600.

‘No Entry’ violation

Violation of the no entry norm attracts a fine of Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 5,000.

Inflammable articles

Carrying inflammable articles in the moving vehicle will attract a fine of Rs. 300 to Rs. 600 under Section 177.

Talking while driving

If you are on the phone while driving in Lucknow, you could be fined with Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 2,000 under specific section.

Drunken Driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicant is not tolerated at all in Lucknow. The offence will lead to legal consequences.

Disobeying police orders

Reports show that the number of people arguing with the police is increasing day by day. Lucknow government has implemented a fine of Rs. 800 to Rs. 1,200 to address this issue.

Disobeying Signal

Breaking a traffic signal is considered an offence not only because it can be harmful to the driver but it is also dangerous for others walking on the streets. When you break a traffic signal in Lucknow, you impose upon yourself a fine of Rs. 300 to Rs. 600.

Stop the car, cooperate with the police

Whenever you are involved in an accident, don’t try to flee from the situation. This will only damage your position.

Zebra Crossing

The zebra crossing lines in the streets are made for pedestrians, not for drivers. Rule breakers have to pay Rs. 300 to Rs. 600 as a penalty.

Car on the cycle track

Cycle track and footpath are not for car drivers or two-wheelers. A person should understand this while driving the car or else a fine of Rs. 300 to Rs. 600 is to be paid to the Lucknow traffic police.

Wrong parking and turning

Parking the car in a no parking zone or turning the car improperly is a punishable offence.

Driving without Helmet

Riding a two-wheeler without wearing a helmet is fined with Rs. 300 to Rs. 600.

These are some of the primary measures taken by the Lucknow government to ensure that citizens follow traffic rules in the city. In case you violate a traffic rule and are fined by the traffic police, you can p online as well.


After Being Fined for Not Wearing Helmet, Meerut Man Throws His Bike


– November 30, 2019

In what could be called bizarre, a two-wheeler rider from Meerut in UP was fined for not wearing a helmet. However, the situation turned bizarre after the challan was slapped on the rider as the man threw his bike and broke his bike upset over being issued a traffic fine challan. He later sat on the bike and cried. The clip of the incident through a video went viral in social media where the upset man is seen being consoled by traffic police. The video clip was viewed over 11,000 times on Twitter and shared multiple times as well. The new Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Act, 2019 has increased fines for not wearing a helmet to Rs.1,000, nearly double the price compared to the previous traffic fine.

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