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New Traffic Fines and Rules in Bengaluru, Karnataka

Published on 21 Jun, 2021, 5:24 AM IST
Updated on 5 Apr, 2024, 9:26 AM IST
Team Ackodrive
12 min read
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The number of vehicles in Bengaluru are increasing every day and the need to understand different traffic rules and violations in the city is important. Following traffic rules ensures safety and a disciplined ride across the city of Bangalore for all road users. As a citizen of the country and the state, however, it is also your responsibility to be aware of the rules in place for your own safety.

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New Traffic Fines, Rules, and Penalties for Karnataka and Bengaluru City:

The Government of Karnataka announced a reduction in traffic fines and penalties under the New Motor Vehicles (MV) Act, 2019. Traffic fines in Bengaluru, Mysore, Hubli, Mangalore, Chickmangaluru, Udupi and other cities have been cut offering some relief to commuters across the state.

Penalties such as driving two or three-wheeler without a licence have been cut from Rs.5,000 to Rs.1,000 and Rs.2,000 for Light Motor Vehicle (LMV). Also, driving a vehicle without insurance has been reduced to Rs.1,000 from Rs.2,000 for two-wheelers. Other traffic violations like riding without a helmet, driving without wearing a seatbelt, overspeeding, etc. have been reduced.

Below are the updated traffic fines in Karnataka and Bengaluru City:

Sl. No. Offences Under Law Vehicles Fine in New Notification Amount (Rs)
1Driving Without Driving Licence2 and 3 WheelersRs. 1000
LMV (Light Motor Vehicles)Rs. 2000
OthersRs. 5000
2Over-Speeding2W, 3W, and LMVRs. 1000
MGV/MPV/HGV HPV & OthersRs. 2,000
3Use of Mobile Phone While Driving1st Offence2nd and Subsequent Offence
2W and 3W- Rs.1500 Rs. 10,000
LMV - Rs. 3000
Others - Rs. 5000
4Using Vehicle Without Registration (No Number Plate)2 and 3 WheelersRs. 2,000
LMVRs. 3,000
MGV/MPV/HGV/HPV & OthersRs. 5,000
5Offences Related To Licences (When DL is in Disqualified Status)10000
6Driving Without Insurance (Uninsured Vehicles)2 and 3 WheelersRs. 1,000
LMV (Light Motor Vehicles)Rs. 2,000
HGV & OthersRs. 4,000
7Not Wearing HelmetRs. 500
8Not Wearing Seatbelt and Fail to Use Safety Seating of ChildrenRs. 500
9Not Providing Way for Emergency VehiclesRs. 1,000
10OverloadingRs. 5,000 and Rs. 2,000 for every additional ton of excess load along with the liability to pay charges towards off-loading of the excess load.
11Use of Horns & Silent Zones2 and 3 Wheelers Rs. 500 Rs. 500
For other vehiclesRs. 1,000
12Unauthorised Interference with VehicleRs. 1,000
13Allowing Unauthorised Persons to Drive VehiclesTwo and Three WheelerRs. 1000
LMV (Light Motor Vehicles)Rs. 2000
OthersRs. 5000
14Driving When Mentally or Physically UnfitRs. 1,000 for the 1st Offence Rs. 2,000 for 2nd and Subsequent Offence
15Racing and Trials of Speeds5,000 for the 1st Offence 10,000 for 2nd and Subsequent Offence
16Offences Relating to Maintenance, Constructions, Sale and Alteration of Motor VehiclesRs. 1,00,000 per Motor Vehicle
Rs. 1,00,000 per Component
Rs. 5,000 per Alteration
18Using Vehicle in Unsafe ConditionUsing Vehicle in Unsafe Condition2W/3W/Rs. 1,500
LMV, Heavy & othersRs. 3,000
Violation of Standards Prescribed Related to Air Pollution2W/3W/Rs. 1,500
LMV, Heavy & othersRs. 3,000
Violation of Standards Prescribed Related to Noise Pollution.2W/3W/Rs. 1,500
LMV, Heavy & othersRs. 3,000
19Using Vehicles Without Permit or Violation of Permit ConditionsRs. 5,000 for the 1st Offence Rs. 10,000 for 2nd and Subsequent Offence.
20Carriage of Excess PassengersRs. 200/Excess Passenger
21Violation of Safety Measures for Motor Cycle and Pillion RidersRs. 500
22Disobedience of Orders, Obstructions and Refusal of InformationRs. 1000
23Travelling Without Pass or Ticket and/or For Dereliction of Duty on the Part of Conductor and Refusal to Ply Contract Carriage etc.,Rs. 500
Rs. 50
24General Provisions For Punishment of OffencesRs. 500 for the 1st Offence Rs. 1,000 for 2nd and Subsequent Offence.
25Punishment of contravention of Section 62ARs. 10,000

Old Fines:

OffenceOld Penalty
Driving Without License2W and 3W: Rs.1,000 LMV: Rs.2,000 Others: Rs.5,000
Over-Speeding2W, 3W, LMV: Rs.1,000 Others: Rs.2,000
Dangerous / Rash Driving2W and 3W: Rs.1,500 LMV: Rs.3,000 Others: Rs.5,000 (Second and Subsequent Offences: Rs.10,000)
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Intoxicating Substance*First-Time Offence: Rs.10,000 and/or Imprisonment of up to 6 months. Second-Time Offence: Rs.15,000 and/or Imprisonment of up to 2 years *Remains Unchanged
Driving Uninsured Vehicle2W and 3W: Rs.1,000 LMV: Rs.2,000 Others: Rs.4,000
Not Wearing SeatbeltRs.500 and/or Disqualification of License for 3 months
Not Wearing HelmetRs.500 and/or Disqualification of License for 3 months

Significant Traffic Signs and Rules in Bengaluru, Karnataka

As a responsible road user, it’s imperative that we adhere to the road rules for the benefit of other road users as well as you. Here are some of the significant traffic signs and rules along with its penalty for the violations of these road rules:

1) Driving under any influence of prohibited drugs or alcohol.

An incredibly dangerous act, this is looked upon seriously by the authorities in Bengaluru, and can result in a court fine and suspension of license.

2) Driving at a high speed and thereby violating the board signs that display the prescribed speed limit.

Over speeding is a serious cause of accidents in Bengaluru, and is dealt with seriously in the case of two-wheelers as well as four-wheelers. If you’re found driving at excessive speed, the penalty is Rs. 1,000 for a two-wheeler, three-wheeler and Light Motor Vehicle, while it’s Rs. 2,000 for MPV, MGV, MGV HPV and Others.

3) Using your mobile phone while driving is violation under the law.

A serious distraction and a cause of many issues, this attracts a minimum fine of Rs. 1,500 for two-wheelers, Rs. 3,000 for LMV, Rs. 5,000 for HMV and can even lead to the suspension of a driving license.

4) Driving without a Helmet / Seat Belt:

As a safety precaution, the rules now state that it is compulsory for both the rider and the pillion rider to wear helmets, and both the front seat (driver and passenger) in cars to wear seat belts. This attracts a fine of minimum Rs. 500, and subsequent higher penalties.

5) Driving without a License:

A serious offence, this leads to a fine of Rs. 1,000 for two-wheelers, Rs. 2,000 for Light Motor Vehicle and Rs. 5,000 for Heavy Motor Vehicle. Subsequent violations may result in further more serious consequences.

The New Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019 has stricter penalties for traffic violations in the country. The fines and penalties of traffic-related offences are stiff and high to curb the menace of violations of traffic rules in the country.

Check: Complete List of Traffic Violations and Penalty (New Amended MV Act 2019)

Rules that should be obeyed while Driving a Four Wheeler in Bengaluru:

  1. Never drink and drive. It is not only unsafe for you, but also very risky for others on the road.

  2. Carry all your documents. Driving an unregistered vehicle calls for a hefty fine, and you can be booked for this even if your vehicle is registered, if you do not have adequate proof. Keep all required documents with you at all times, and produce them whenever asked.

  3. Do not use your phone while driving. A few seconds’ distraction on your mobile phone could divert your attention and result in a major accident.

  4. Extend cooperation with other vehicles by properly giving and following hand and motor signals. Always drive safely and calmly.

  5. Always wear a seatbelt when you are in the car’s driving seat.

Rules that should be obeyed while Driving a Two-wheeler in Bengaluru:

  1. While riding your bike, you must carry your driving license, Insurance Papers, RC book, regular PUC certificate and tax document.

  2. Do not forget to wear a proper fitting helmet while riding a motor bike or scooter.

  3. Always follow the Stop or Slow down sign.

  4. Never indulge in lane cutting or overtaking from the wrong side. It is a serious offence and highly risky.

It is vital that you follow all the rules and regulations as they have been clearly listed above. It is recommended that these must be carefully observed along with all the rules and regulations to avoid the issuance of Bangalore e-challan. Traffic rules are extremely important to follow and it includes all rules related to licensing rules, Traffic Penalties and Driving rules as well as other rules related to the use of mobile phones while driving, parking rules and wearing helmet etc. There is a low tolerance policy for traffic rule violators in Bengaluru. The RTO office in Bengaluru can take stringent actions and cause your license to be suspended for at least 3 months or even more. Additionally, you may be required to attend a counselling session of 2 hours.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about traffic fines and road rules in Bengaluru.

1) When did the new traffic fines in Bengaluru come into effect?


The revised or reduced fines for traffic violations came into effect from 22 September 2019. Fines for not wearing a seatbelt by front passengers and riders not wearing helmets have been cut from Rs.1,000 to Rs.500.

2) How do I pay a traffic fine online?


You can visit the respective state’s transport official website to pay a traffic fine online. Or, you could use new-age digital payment apps which allow you to pay traffic challans online.

3) What is the fine for drunk and drive in Bengaluru?


Penalties for drunk and drive in Bengaluru is Rs.10,000 and/or up to 6 months imprisonment for the first time offence, and for the second time offence, it’s Rs.15,000 and/or imprisonment of up to 2 years.

4) What is the fine for overspeeding in Bengaluru?


The fine is Rs.1,000 for two-wheelers, three-wheelers and Four-wheelers while it’s Rs.2,000 for others.

5) How much is the fine for no driver’s license?


It’s Rs.1,000 for two-wheelers and three-wheelers while its Rs.2,000 for Light Motor Vehicle (LMV) and others it’s Rs.5,000

6) Is Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificate compulsory?


A PUC certificate is a mandatory document for a vehicle.

7) What are the mandatory documents required to be carried while driving?


Documents such as your driving license, the registration certificate of the vehicle and the Pollution Under Control certificate should be carried while driving a car or two-wheeler. You can also carry electronic copies of the mentioned documents through the DigiLocker or mParivahan apps.


Bengaluru: Traffic Police to Resume Public Interactions


– November 30, 2020

Bengaluru’s Traffic Police has decided to relaunch their monthly public interactions. This resumption is likely to commence in the next month. Such an initiative will present the public with an opportunity to discuss their grievances with the authorities. The plan is to hold such interactions on every month’s second Saturday. Earlier, the city’s Police Commissioner was asked several questions and was given several suggestions during a social media interaction. The same was discussed with the Joint Commissioner of Police (Traffic), who asked the police stations to initiate such public interaction campaigns. Here, the inspector will have a discussion with the invited motorists, RWA members, and those who own commercial establishments. The discussion shall be recorded. The police will also consider it as an opportunity to inform everyone about the importance of following road rules and regulations. Such an initiative across forty-four police stations can be insightful.

Mannequins Dressed as Traffic Police to Curb Traffic Viloators


– December 31, 2019

Mannequins are the newest cops in Bengaluru where the traffic police department have adopted a unique method to deter traffic violators. Dummies are dressed as traffic cops, which include the Bengaluru traffic police uniform, are being placed at important junctions hoping that traffic violators will adhere to traffic rules. The Bengaluru city police commissioner said that the idea to increase the compliance and not scare anybody. He added that traffic police swap mannequins with actual police to keep commuters from violating traffic rules. With the traffic in Bengaluru increasing at great speed, the traffic police mannequins seem to be a brilliant method to curb vehicle users from committing traffic offences.

Bengaluru Traffic Police Pose as Passengers, Mop Up Rs.8 Lakh Fine From Errant Drivers


– December 4, 2019

The Bengaluru Traffic Police posed as passengers of auto-rickshaws plying in the city only to find out there were several errant drivers. Drivers either refused to ply to the destination or as per the metered fares. Traffic cops, in mufti, posed as passengers in important junctions and requested to be dropped to different parts of the city. More than 5,000 auto drivers were fined by the Bengaluru Traffic Police. About Rs.8 lakh in fines were collected from these errant drivers. Police personnel were asked to take auto rides to different parts of the city. However, auto drivers were caught violating traffic rules like refusing to ply to some destinations, not having valid documents, or demanding more fare.

Bengaluru Traffic Police Employ Mannequins to “Regulate” Traffic


– November 26, 2019

In what could be termed as a unique initiative, the Bengaluru traffic police have installed mannequins wearing cop uniforms across the city in an effort to curb traffic violations. The traffic police released images of the mannequins wearing high-visibility jackets, Bengaluru traffic police uniform and steel-toe boots. Chief of Traffic Bengaluru city said that there are several people who commit traffic violations when there are no cops around to curb traffic violations. About 30 mannequins have been installed across the city on a trial, assuming that commuters will adhere to traffic rules when there’s an “authority” is watching them. The mannequins are being shifted every day in an effort to caution repeat offenders and use their workforce in spots where they are required.

Dedicated Bus Lanes Kicks Off in Bengaluru Today


– November 15, 2019

The Bengaluru Police issued the notification of the bus priority lanes today which traverses through the IT corridor on the Outer Ring Road of the city. Also, some stretches have been notified as one-ways to ease the implementation of the bus priority lanes. The initiative was introduced to create the importance of the use of the public transport system in the city, especially the state-run public bus transport system. The bus priority lane will extend from Silk Board to K R Puram. In these dedicated lanes, only BMTC, fire engines and ambulances will be allowed to run. The imposition was introduced under Section 155 of the Indian Motor Vehicle Act. If anybody is found violating the rule, they can attract imprisonment of up to 6 months and/or a fine of up to Rs.1,000.


  1. A tweet from Official account of the Joint Commissioner of Traffic Police – Bengaluru City:

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