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All You Need to Know About a Regional Transport Office (RTO) – Fees, Download Forms

Published on 21 Jun, 2021, 5:57 AM IST
Updated on 6 Jun, 2022, 9:48 AM IST
Team Ackodrive
19 min read
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Vehicles are an integral part of people’s lives. Be it a two-wheeler, a car, or cabs, Indians rely on these vehicles to meet their transportation needs. Usually, one associates the vehicle industry with huge manufacturing plants and enticing showrooms. However, the back-end managerial aspect associated with the industry often goes unnoticed.

The RTOs handle most of the operational aspects of the vehicle industry. RTOs are usually associated with a driving license and car registrations; however, they are responsible for executing several other tasks related to the entire vehicle ecosystem. Read ahead to know more about RTO, its functions, and other information.


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What is the Full-form and Meaning of RTO?

The full-form or long-form of RTO is Regional Transport Office. It also goes by the name of Regional Transport Authority (RTA). It is a government organisation that maintains a driver database. It is also responsible for the vehicle database. This driver and vehicle database covers all Indian states and union territories. RTO’s parent agency is the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.

Functions of RTO:

RTOs function as per the Motor Vehicles Act. Apart from the functions related to the driving license, the RTOs are also responsible for functions related to vehicle registration, revenue collection, vehicle inspection, compliance of environmental norms, and road safety. Here’s an overview of major functions carried out by the RTOs all over India.:

1) Driving License:

The RTO is renowned as a body that deals with the driving license. However, this one-line description of this function does not suffice as there are a plethora of services that fall under the umbrella of a driving license.

There are four types of driving licenses issued by the RTO – Learner’s License, Permanent License (received after completing the learner’s license period), Commercial Driving License, and an International Driving Permit. Apart from issuing these licenses, there’s the task of dealing with license renewal, duplicate licenses, and conducting driving tests as well.

Driving license is also issued as per the type of vehicle in question. For example, vehicles with gear, without gear, passenger-carrying vehicles, vehicles used to transport goods. A driving license has all the necessary information about the driver and the authorized class of vehicle.

2) Road Tax:

The government levies certain taxes related to the vehicle. The road tax is one such tax. The RTO is responsible for the collection of the Road Tax. This task is usually performed while registering the vehicle for the first time.

3) Vehicle Inspection:

RTO also checks if the vehicles on the road comply with the rules mentioned in the Motor Vehicles Act. They conduct inspections for the same from time-to-time.

4) Environmental Concerns:

The RTO seeks to address environmental concerns as per the Motor Vehicles Act. For example, it conducts activities related to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)/Liquid Petroleum Gas conversion and PUC (Pollution Under Control) testing centres.

5) Road Safety:

Road accidents are one of the leading causes of death all over the globe. The RTO ensures road safety measures are in place as stated in the Motor Vehicles Act.

6) Vehicle Registration:

One of the primary responsibilities of an RTO is to maintain a vehicle database. This is done while performing the vehicle registration function. All new vehicles need to be registered at the applicable RTO. That is how you get the license plate of your vehicle.

RTOs also handle vehicle registration functions concerning the sale of a vehicle, issuing No Objection Certificates in cases where vehicles need to be registered from one state’s RTO to another state’s RTO and issuing transport permits.

To understand the RTO functions related to vehicle registration, you need to go through the following processes. Note that the content presented below is just for your information and may vary from one RTO to another. The processes might be upgraded in the future as well.

Vehicle Registration Process at RTO:

In most cases, the registration process is handled by the vehicle dealer. Here’s how the vehicle registration process at RTO pans out.

  • Step 1 – Fill out the registration form and submit it to the District Transport Office.

  • Step 2 – Submit the necessary documents. Here’s a list: form 20, vehicle’s sales certificate, invoice, insurance policy for the vehicle, applicant’s photos, and identity proof.

  • Step 3 – An inspecting officer will evaluate your form and the necessary documents. Once approved, you shall receive a vehicle registration number and a receipt. 

  • Step 4 – Get the registration mark on the vehicle’s number plate in thirty days and seek approval from the registration authority.

Transfer of RC from One State to Another:

If you are moving from one state to another for a long period with your vehicle, then you need to register your vehicle at the new location’s RTO. Here’s how it’s done.

  • Step 1 – Deregister the vehicle from the RTO where it is currently registered. Seek No objection Certificate (NOC) from the respective RTO.

  • Step 2 – Submit the NOC in the new state’s RTO as per the jurisdiction.

  • Step 3 – Complete the formalities as per the state’s RTO, for example – payment of applicable road tax.

  • Step 4 – After all the formalities are completed successfully, you shall receive your vehicle’s new registration number.

Transfer of Vehicle Ownership:

You will have to approach the applicable RTO and intimate them about the sale of your vehicle. You will have to pay the transfer fee and submit the following documents to transfer the vehicle’s ownership to the new owner.

  • RTO Form 28.

  • RTO Form 29.

  • RTO Form 30.

  • Insurance policy.

  • Pollution Under Control Certificate.

  • National Crime Records Bureau Certificate

RTO State-wise Code List of India:

Different Indian states have different codes on the vehicle’s number plate. It helps to identify the vehicle. Here’s a table showcasing different Indian states and their respective codes.

State Code
Andhra PradeshAP
Himachal PradeshHP
Jammu and KashmirJK
Madhya PradeshMP
Arunachal PradeshAR
Tamil NaduTN
Uttar PradeshUP
West BengalWB

RTO Code for Union Territories:

Just as different states have different codes, the union territories also have different codes. Here’s a table highlighting the union territory and its respective code.

Union TerritoryCode
Andaman and Nicobar IslandsAN
Dadra and Nagar HaveliDN
Daman and DiuDD

RTO Fees:

Here’s a table mentioning the RTO fees for different processes. Note that the rates might be subject to change and vary from one RTO to another.

Process Fees in Rupees
Imported motor vehicle registration5000
Imported motorcycle registration2500
Motorcycle Registration300
Medium passenger motor vehicle registration1000
Heavy passenger motor vehicle registration1500
Learner’s Driving License150
Permanent Driving License300
Renewal of Fitness Certificate200

RTO Forms:

The following table mentions RTO Form numbers and the purpose for which they are needed.

Form 20Application for Registration of a Motor Vehicle
Form 21Sale Certificate
Form 23Certificate of Registration
Form 24Registration of Motor Vehicle
Form 29Notice of Transport of Ownership of a Motor Vehicle
Form 38 AReport of Inspection
Form 50Bill of Lading
Form 51Certificate of Insurance
Form 54Accident Information Report
Form 57Certificate for Foreign Insurance

How to Download RTO Form:

Most of the RTO forms can be downloaded from the Parivahan website. For example, if you need an RTO application form for a driving license, you can download it from the website or visit your nearest RTO for a physical form. Here’s the process to download the forms.

  • Step 1 – Visit the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways’ website.

  • Step 2 – Select ‘Information Services’ from the menu.

  • Step 3 – Select ‘Downloadable Forms’.

  • Step 4 – Select the type of form you want to download. For example, Driving License forms.

  • Step 5 – Select the appropriate form from the list and click on its name to download it.

RTO Vehicle Information Mobile App:

The National Informatics Centre (NIC) has designed and developed an informative app for RTO-related information and issues. It is called as mParivahan. This app works on Android as well as iOS platforms and can be used to find information related to RTOs and the services offered by them. You can also track the nearest Pollution Checking Centre with the help of this mobile application.

mParivahan app can be used to initiate a practice driving license test so that you gain confidence while attending the real one. This app can be of great importance if you are purchasing a used car or a second-hand vehicle. You can use the app to verify the details of the vehicle you are about to purchase using its registration number.

How To Get a Unique/Fancy Registration Number for Your Vehicle:

Some vehicle owners like to get special registration numbers for their cars or bikes. In case you are one of them, you can get a fancy or a unique number via the online or the offline mode. For the online mode, visit Parivahan website and for the offline mode, visit your nearest RTO. Usually, such numbers can be availed by participating in an auction.

Difference Between RTO and DTO:

For a basic understanding, Regional Transport Offices are for a state and District Transport Offices (DTOs) are for a district. The difference usually lies in the jurisdiction area. A state has multiple districts; therefore, it can have multiple DTOs. In case of an RTO, there’s usually only one per state but there might be different RTO offices throughout the state for managing the work.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Mentioned below are some frequently asked questions concerning the Regional Transport Office and its functions.

How to write a request letter to RTO?


To write a request letter to the RTO, simply mention your name and state your query. Address it to the concerned authority and attach any relevant documents. In most cases, you will find application forms for specific requirements. However, in certain cases, you might be required to write a letter.

What is the minimum cubic capacity of a vehicle beyond which RTO registration is mandatory?


In most cases, RTO registration becomes important if the vehicle meets or crosses the 50cc mark. However, there is a possibility that there might be exceptions. Please contact your nearest RTO for specific details.

What is the permitted height level of heavy vehicles in Indian RTO?


Please refer to Chapter 5, rule 93, point 4 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules,1989 for details regarding the permissible height of heavy vehicles.

Is parking a part of RTO’s driving test and how much space is required for it?


You might be asked to display parallel parking skills in the space directed by the supervisor as part of the driving test.

Can I drive my vehicle anywhere in India without transferring RC from one state’s RTO to another?


You need to transfer your vehicle’s RC from one state’s RTO to another if you are considering shifting to a new state for a long period, for example – a year. You can reach out to your nearest RTO for the specific period beyond which you might need to deregister the vehicle from one state’s RTO and register it in another.

What should I do if my driving licence has been dispatched from the main office but not received by me?


You can contact your nearest RTO for reasons regarding the delay or any other possibilities.

The RTO exam for a job is conducted how many times during the year?


Usually, such exams take place once a year; however, for exact details you can check respective government websites or contact your nearest RTO. Generally, such entrance exams are held for the post of RTO officer. They are conducted state-wise and different states might have different rules and formats for the same.

Is there an option to overload a vehicle and avoid overload charges by RTO?


Overloading goods carriages is an offence and can lead to suspension or cancellation of the driving license. It can also be risky and can cause road safety issues such as accidents.

What is the validity of the temporary registration?


Temporary registration usually lasts for a month. After a month, you need to proceed towards permanent registration. However, there is an option to extend the temporary registration period by approaching the RTO office.

Are RC Book and RC Card the same or different?


Earlier, vehicle’s registration certificates were called RC Books, now they are called RC or RC cards as they are available in a card form.

Introduction of Aadhaar-based Authentication to Avail Online RTO Services – March 08, 2021


If you want to renew your Driving Licence (DL) but are worried about the COVID-19 risk while visiting the Regional Transport Office (RTO) for it, there’s good news for you. Now, there’s no need to visit the RTO office to renew your DL as it can be done online, provided you do not have to appear for the driving competence test. In total, 18 such services can be availed via the online process. Such services shall be authenticated via the 12-digit Aadhaar number.

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) issued a notification about the Aadhaar-based authentication on Thursday, 4 March 2021. The notification stated that the ministry shall create awareness among the citizens regarding the contactless RTO services. Some RTO services that can be availed online are Duplicate Licence, Learner’s Licence, Modification in DL address, International Driving Permit, etc.

Delhi: No Registration Fee for Battery-operated Vehicles – October 19, 2020


Purchasing a vehicle requires certain expenditure. The entire cost of purchasing a vehicle includes several other factors apart from the vehicle’s manufacturing cost. For example, to purchase a fuel-driven vehicle and to drive it legally on Indian roads, you will have to pay the road tax, register it at the Regional Transport Office by paying a fee and purchase insurance among other things. All this constitutes the on-road price of the vehicle that is paid to the vehicle dealer while purchasing the vehicle. As per the recent notifications from the Delhi Government, you are not required to pay the registration fee associated with purchasing a new vehicle if it is an Electric Vehicle (EV) or a battery-operated vehicle. A similar waiver notification had been previously shared regarding the payment of road tax for such vehicles. Such measures are undertaken to promote the use of EVs as per the region’s Electric Vehicles Policy.

Kohima RTO Resumes Office With Restrictions – August 27, 2020


The Regional Transport Office in Kohima, Nagaland has been opened for public services. However, strict guidelines related to the prevention of COVID-19 are supposed to be followed. Officials are trying to avoid crowding with the help of Kohima RTO helpline number. People can call 9863028315 to seek appointments related to driving licenses and registration of vehicles. This announcement was made by SY Sanglee Chang, Regional Transport Officer, Kohima, Nagaland, through a press release. To curb the possible spread of COVID-19, people will be allowed to enter the office premises only with prior permission and appointments. They are supposed to follow rules like wearing masks and maintaining a distance of at least one meter from each other while visiting Kohima RTO. It is expected of everyone to take enough precaution against the spread of Coronavirus. There are currently 1158 active cases in Nagaland. 2611 people have been cured or discharged and unfortunately, 9 people have lost their lives.

The Validity of Registration Certificate, Driving Licence Extended Till End of 2020 – August 26, 2020


The State Government of Punjab has announced the extension of validity of driver and vehicle-related documents such as Driving Licence (DL), Registration Certificate (RC) and Permits for transport vehicles. The documents will be valid until 31 December 2020. This is applicable to those documents which expired between 1 February to 31 December 2020. The Transport Minister of Punjab said that these documents, which could not be renewed due to the lockdown, will be treated as valid until the end of this year. The Minister added that the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) has directed that under the Central Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 and Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989, the validity of the mentioned documents will be valid until the end of 2020. Concerned authorities will be appraised of the new circular so that people need to worry about the validity of the vehicle and driver-related documents.

Hyderabad: Five Regional Transport Authority Services Are Now Online – July 27, 2020


Earlier, vehicle owners had to visit the Regional Transport Authority’s office for availing services related to the Duplicate Driving license, Smart Card license, etc. Now, they have a comparatively convenient option. Five of such services have gone online and more shall follow suit soon. The five Regional Transport Authority services that went online were launched by Minister P Ajay. The online facilities will help to negate the role of brokers. With the online facility, people can directly reach out to the Regional Transport Authority office without any middleman. Also, they can do so without visiting the office as these services can be accessed via personal computers, laptop, smartphones, and other such devices. Those who want to avail the services can visit the Regional Transport Authority’s website and share the details. The authorities will conduct three levels of authentication and share the required document after successful verification.

Odisha: Authorities Revise Working Hours for RTOs – July 22, 2020


The Odisha Government has brought in changes in the number of working hours for the Regional Transport Offices (RTOs) in multiple locations throughout the state. This change is being done due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Timings of Regional Transport Offices in major locations like Bhubaneswar Circle I and II, and Cuttack are modified considering the lockdown till the end of July. The revised timings for Regional Transport Offices of those locations mentioned above and those in Ganjam, Banjanagar, and Chandikhol are from 10 AM to 2 PM. The four-hour timing is also applicable for Regional Transport Offices in Jajpur, Rourkela and Khordha Additional Regional Transport Office (ARTO). Usual Regional Transport Office services related to Driving License and Learner’s License shall not be available till 31 July 2020 in the abovementioned locations. An order issued by the State Transport Authority mentioned that the subordinate offices in stated locations will function at 33% of their capacity. These locations are Khordha, Cuttack, and Ganjam. The area under Jajpur and Rourkela Municipal Corporation is also included.

Odisha: State Government Vehicles Can Obtain FC from Any Regional Transport Office – July 16, 2020


The State Transport Authority (STA) of Odisha said that state government vehicles can obtain Fitness Certificate (FC) from any of the RTOs in the state. Earlier, the vehicles of the state government had to obtain the FC from the RTO which registered the vehicle. The notification comes after government offices or departments were facing challenges in obtaining FCs from RTOs other than the RTO which has registered the vehicle. As per the notification, state government vehicles owned by State Government Undertaking, State Government or Urban Local Bodies may operate outside the RTO which has registered the vehicle and can move to different jurisdictions. Procuring the FC from where the vehicle was registered can be difficult. Hence, the STA said that from now onwards, State government vehicles can get their FCs from any of the RTOs in the state.

Odisha COVID-19 Update: Bhubaneshwar Authorities Close Major Establishments – July 9, 2020


State Governments in India are taking measures to limit the spreading of the novel coronavirus. Some states, where the COVID-19 numbers are on the rise, have imposed strict lockdown measures. As of 9 July 2020, the number of cases in Odisha is at 11,201. Out of that 4,128 are active cases. The number of cases in Odisha is 1.45% of cases in the country but the curve is rising slowly. Due to this rise and the cases where Social Distancing norms have not been followed by the public, the Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation took action against certain establishments. The Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation closed the Regional Transport Office in Acharya Vihar. This was not the only major establishment to face shut down, as they have also shut down a bank’s branch, and a godown. Such shutdowns happened because of the emergence of COVID-19 positive cases.

CM Vijay Rupani Inaugurates RTO Along With Bus Stations – June 22, 2020


The Chief Minister of Gujarat, Mr Vijay Rupani has inaugurated an RTO in the city of Jamnagar and dedicated this office to the public. The budget for the RTO was around Rs 6.26 as the office is expected to be technologically advanced as compared to traditional operations carried by other RTOs in the state. This RTO will have a separate smart optical card room, server room, record room, staff rooms, office space for mamlatdar & assistant inspector of a motor vehicle, public services, etc. The CM also inaugurated four bus stations and two bus depots at various locations in Gujrat. Bus stations were inaugurated at Banaskantha, Kukarmunda, Gandhinagar, and Sankheda. The bus depots cum workshops were inaugurated in Gadadha and Naliya districts. A residential quarter was built for Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation (GSRTC) employees at Amreli. The budget for these was Rs 17.47 crore.

COVID-19: RTOs in Gujarat to Restart Work From 4 June – June 3, 2020


In an official release, all the Regional Transport Offices (RTOs) in Gujarat will restart work from 4 June 2020. Visitors need to take online appointments prior to visiting the RTO and they will be allowed to enter the RTO 15 minutes before their appointment. Social Distancing and wearing of masks are compulsory while visiting the RTO. Those who fail to adhere to the rules will not be allowed to enter the RTO. Also, all visiting the RTO will undergo thermal screening. For those services which are not available online such as transfer of ownership, new permits, cancellation of registration, etc., visitors need to carry their Aadhaar Card and only limited visitors will be allowed entry into the RTO. Visitors have to make an appointment after 3 pm in case of High-Security Registration Plates.

City Wise list of RTO Offices in India:

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